Category: Fantasy

Write For Us Fantasy Blog

Are you a passionate writer? Do you want to share your imaginary thoughts with the world? Or are you a fantasy writer of any niche? So here at Write For Us, you have great opportunities to share your thoughts with the world by posting guest posts. Or if you have any book reviews that you want to share we are pleased to accept your thoughts. Here is also a long list of niches accepted in non fiction writing. So fasten your belts for the submission of super thoughts. 

Write For us is a great opportunity for writers who want to share their real thoughts with the world. In this regard, we accept write for us fantasy blogs that cover the requirements of one article. Here is the good news for occasional writers: we might accept the reviews, non-fiction articles, and interviews on particular imaginary topics. Perhaps if you wrote a book review you think we would’ve to be hosts? You can give your suggestions before pitching us for the submission of a guest post. We would welcome you to take you on board if your content meets our requirements. 

Why Should You Write For Us Fantasy Blog?

Imagination and creativity writing is the vast land of taking the attention of readers in a curated futuristic vision of fiction novels. Most probably it involves the major attributes of word building and needs a lot of care while choosing the exact match of niche. Write For Us fantasy blog should be curative to incentive building of words. We welcome you if you have a hunger to write about the major forms.. 

Fantasy writing is very futuristic in its own terms. Following are the main attributes of speculation writing should be composed of it: 

  • Mythical creatures 
  • Mystery
  • Magic 
  • Composed of multiple Adventures in the story
  • Make a bridge between realistic to another world 
  • The background contains dramatic scenes (Mountains, forests, castles) 

Here are a few common examples of fantasies from that you can make your own story in that way.

  • How to train your Dragon
  • Beauty and the beast
  • The Princess Bride 
  • Labyrinth 

Fantasy guest posting Content guidelines

If you’re interested in submitting your blog post on our website, make sure to stick to all points of guidelines for submission of a post on the Write For Us Fantasy Blog. Following are the key points that you have to be stick with: 

  • If you’re a Fantasy Blog post writer then you know that quality content is the strength of all sites for running their blogs. So make sure you write well-researched content. 
  • Write for us fantasy Blog post should be very clear in wording and precise to the readers. 
  • Listed niche types should be clearer in the blog post that you would write. 
  • We love to receive the limited word count blog post that is written with a passionate vibe. Your blog post should be around 700 words, limited count. 
  • Keep your topic around with the optimized keyword in the fiction development of individuals. All the keywords in the content should be optimized. 
  • Don’t give us spamming content that is published on any website. Our team checks all the corners of content and if it comes with plagiarism then we are sorry to you. 
  • We don’t accept inappropriate links that are associated with gambling, casinos, and pornography in the content. 
  • We reserve the right to make grammatical or content changes to fit guest post-publication guidelines. When you are ready to submit, pitch us your best ideas for our topics so take you on board. 
  • We get several requests for guest posts each week, and we’re not able to respond to each request. However, if you have followed the all guidelines above, and meet our criteria, so you can be sure to hear from us. We typically respond to relevant pitches within 2-3 weeks
  • Anything that has already been covered on our blog will not be accepted. Please do our site research before submitting topics 
  • Content can’t be republished 
  • No promotional content, please 
  • No links to malicious/scammy websites. 

This will be up to the discretion of the website manager at

How to Find Guest Posting Sites 

  • Fantasy + “Write for us”
  • Fantasy Write for us
  • Fantasy + Write for us
  • Fantasy Stories Write for us
  • Fantasy: “write for us”
  • “fantasy” + “blogs” + “write for us”
  • Fantasy Blogs “Write for us”
  • Write For Us Fantasy Blog Post
  • Write For Us Fantasy blog

How Do You Go About Publishing?

Send us an email at for the submission of your pitch about a guest post write for us fantasy blog.